The Curare is a vine (liana). Its common names are Curare, Grieswurzel, Pareira, Pareira Braua and Vigne Sauvage. Its Genus and species name is Chondrodendron tomentosum. It has a 4 inch diameter at the base of the vine and can grow over 100 feet tall. They also have heart shaped leaves with spikes on the underneath side. The leaves grow 4 to 8 inches long and wide. This vine has clusters of white flowers. The Indians use to crush the flower and make a syrupy substance that they would place on the ends of their arrows. This substance would have a paralyzing effect on the animal after being shot. The root of this vine has an ingredient called D-tubocurarine and is used in medicine. It is known to be a diuretic and has also been used for edema, fever and kidney stones. This vine has made the same adaptations as the Bougainvillea spectabilis. The heart shaped leaves allowing water to run off quickly and spikes on the underside of leaves used for climbing and wrapping trees to reach sunlight and support the growth of the vine.
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